Sunday, April 01, 2007
For a while now I've had many issues I've wanted to report, but most of the time I will have to link to the originator of the information. Whether it's because of plagiarism issues or because of the Search Engine penalties for duplicate content.. I've always found myself to be reluctant to link to an outbouding link.

Another issue, is the fact that most websites on the internet don't share the same values as me or many of my readers. So it might contain advertisements to lewd sites or other sites unbecoming of a Muslim who fears his Lord to visit.

What do you do then?

With Search Engines, if I don't necessarily agree with a site or I don't want to give my link to it any value, I can easily add a rel="nofollow" tag within the link tag. That way the Search Engine will know that I am not related to the site and won't count my linking to it as a voucher for its credibility or relevance to my site.

I sometimes will copy the whole article's text and then throw a link at the bottom showing the credits, but that's really rare like I did for a post on my Migraine Blog about the Migraine Gadget but it was not an issue since the site I was linking to was the manufacturer of the gadget and thus wasn't really offensive in any way.

If any of you have any ideas, let me know... especially if you're a web developer or admin a website.

My websites are mostly informational and they do make me a very small amount of money (mainly just to ay the phone bill I guess) but thats from the Google Ads that show up on the top and bottom of the page.


Another piece of feedback I would like, is if anybody sees an ad that is un-Islamic or offensive (as sometimes there are links to Christian Da`wah sites or Personals /Dating sites) please let me know of the URL (website address that way I can put it through the ad filter and it won't be shown.
posted by Abu Miftah at 1:17 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
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