Wednesday, May 03, 2006
It seems that Mobily, Saudi Telecom's only REAL competitor, is not piggy backing their towers anymore. During the last two weeks, I've been seeing Mobily towers going up all up and down the Makkah-Madinah Road.

This means, firstly, that Mobily won't be having to pay Saudi Telecom any more percentages to piggy back their frequencies. That means, that all you Mobily customers will finally have TWO very long awaited things:
  • Better reception, since Saudi Telecom allegedly used to lower Mobily's frequency strength.
  • Better rates, since they no longer have to pay Saudi Telecom to use their towers.
In general, Mobily is WAY better than Saudi Telecom, they have better service and more efficient payment plans and are generally "Cooler". For example, Mobily plans, whether prepaid or monthly bill plans, all come with MMS and Web services. For Saudi Telecom's customers, you have to go the extra mile (or kilometer?) to get those services operational on your phone.
Also, Mobily's acquire quite a substantial amount of foreign GPRS (MMS sending/receiving ability) and GSM (voice call sending/receiving ability) contracts with foreing countries. Meaning you can send an MMS to almost any major developed country in the world. With Saudi Telecom you can only send MMS within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
As for the "roaming" ability to send and receive calls when abroad, then they both supply that.

I hope this little rant, and possible advertisement for Mobily has been beneficial, I don't keep up a lot with Mobily news since I am not a customer, so comments and crticizms are welcome.

Take care people...

P.S. There is another service out there that is available to mobile phone users, but I need to gather some more information on it before blogging about it, insha Allah.
posted by Abu Miftah at 6:34 PM | Permalink |

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